How do I create a group in iVMS 4200 V2.x / iVMS 4200 MAC?
- On the main page of the iVMS 4200 (Control Panel) > Device Management > Group
- Click on the 'folder +' icon
- There are 2 options, 'Group Name' and 'Create Group By Device Name':
- Group Name: Used if you want to add specific cameras to a group
- Create a name for the group, then click 'Ok'
- There will be a empty group created with the name you set for it, you will need to import cameras to the group
- To import cameras into a group:
- Click on the group name under the Device Management > Group, section on the left
- Click on the '+ import' option on the top left
- Select the cameras you want to import, then click 'OK'
- To import cameras into a group:
- Create Group By Device Name: Used if you want to add all cameras online in a recorder to the group
- Check on the 'Create Group By Device Name' box
- Select the device you want to create a group for (any device you've added to the Device Management > Device page will be listed here), then click Ok
- Group Name: Used if you want to add specific cameras to a group