
How do I add licenses to HikCentral V2.x?


  1. Log into the HikCentral web client
  2. Hover over 'Maintenance ad management' > click on 'Update license'
  3. Select the update type, 'online upgrade' or 'offline upgrade'
    1. Online upgrade: use this option if the server/PC is connected to internet
      1. Select 'Online Upgrade'
      2. Type in the license in the 'Activation Code' section
        1. Click on the '+' on the right of the activation code section to add more than 1 license
      3. Check on the 'I accept the terms...' checkbox
      4. Click on 'Update'
    2. Offline upgrade:use this option if the server/PC is not connected to internet
      1. Select 'Offline Upgrade'
      2. Put the license in the 'Step 1: Enter activation code and generate License request file' section
        1. Click on the '+' on the right of the activation code section to add more than 1 license
      3. Check on the 'I accept the terms...' checkbox
      4. Click on 'Generate file request'
      5. Follow the instructions in step 2 to generate a respond file
        1. Go to this website to generate a respond file
      6. Import the respond file into the HikCentral web client (use a PC with internet connection)
      7. Click on 'Update'